By Volo on Sunday, 14 April 2024
Category: Sci-Fi

Beacon 23 - Season 2, Episode 2 - Purgatory

This week's episode, aptly named purgatory is about the place that Halan and Harmony find themselves. Halan has been alone on the Beacon for about two and half months and Harmony has spent similar time in her office space prison. The episode shows links between the office space and Beacon 23 where actions in one seem to be reflected in the other.  Harmony seems to be connected to the Beacon computer system and is able to communicate to Halan mostly through the beta series floating droid that was previously controlled by Bart. The episode centers around Harmony as she is set up to be interrogated by Alpeh's AI minions in an office space like setting. She overcomes her captors and is able to communicate with Halan and the show ends.


This episode showcases the isolation and torture that Halan and Harmony separately go through after betraying Aleph. It also shows the immense power that Aleph has as well as display more about the AI diaspora. The concept of emotion seems to be a foreign concept to the AI, individually, though they all seem to show various forms. The episode does have a bit of virtual reality aspect to it and sort of reminds you of the early Matrix movie from the 1990s where people were placed into the corporate rate race and made to do pointless daily tasks as part of daily life. 

The idea of multiple imprinting was made to be a big deal in this episode, hopefully this is expanded upon in later episodes.

The show does a good job of showing the dreary existence that both characters go through. I felt a little dreary watching and experiencing it as well which I believe was the purpose of the episode. This will hopefully give us the payoff later as these characters will likely make some choice that


Characters of Interest

  • Harmony - Aster's personal AI, revealed to be bound to QTA. The episode centers around her and what she is dealing with from QTA. She likely has broken free from being bound to them.
  • Halan Kal Nielsen - Seems to be alone in this world, and was revealed more than once to have traveled over 84,000 star systems to get to Beacon 23. He is punished for his betrayal of Aleph by being placed on the beacon alone to end episode 1. He remains alone at this time though Harmony has been trying to reach out to him.
  • Aster (Parsim) Calyx - was murdered in the season 1 finale, most watching the show seem to think she will return. She does appear in this episode in a broadcast transmission of unknown origin.
  • Eric a defunct personal AI who is Harmony's "coworker" he helps her and eventually pays the price as he ends up to have his memory wiped.
  • Randall, Mara and Dev the panel of AI that are tasked to obtain as much information from Harmony and by any means necessary, by Aleph. They are eventually overcome and killed (?) at the end of this episode by Harmony.
  • Aleph, the holographic transcendic consciousness, appears to be in the beacon computers. Exhibits his own cut throat features as well as a range of human emotions.
  • Mysteries and questions...

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