By Volo on Sunday, 12 November 2023
Category: Sci-Fi

Beacon 23, Season 1 Episode 1 - Corbenic

Starvation is an interesting phenomenon, as the directors and screen actors guild strike finally come to a close, I feel starved from good sci-fi since Silo season 1 ended. Sure, there were some good morsels, such as Star Trek Strange New Worlds and Ahsoka, but I miss the intricate writing of Hugh Howey as he builds a new world for us to discover. Having seen episode 1 so far, I am happy to see this happen again in Beacon 23.
Similarly to Apple+, two episodes are released to spark interest. The first episode ends on a cliffhanger and seems to follow similar in fashion to how the Silo story was told.

​Show Summary and Recap

The show opens with what appears to be an invasion from another ship to catch us up to speed, there is a flashback to events prior to this. In events preceding, the Crest ship appears to be traveling at faster than light speed with intent to dock with Beacon 23. However, there appears to be a communication problem and the Beacon is sending the "All clear" signal for Crest to arrive. In actuality there is too much dark matter and this is problematic for the arrival. Due to the inability of the Beacon Keeper to warn them, the ship crashes. However there is a single life sign, that of Aster, presumably sent by the ISA (Interstellar Space Authority) to study a newly found mineral deposit with unknown isotopes never seen before. The rest of the show is spent looking for these minerals as well as establishing a level of mistrust between Solomon and Aster, the main heroine.  The show ends with an invasion from another ship which appears to be hiding in the debris.

​Personal AI

Bartholemew (Bart) and Harmony, AI Companions attuned and protective of their human counterparts. They have their own personalities and self police with Harmony telling Bartholomew to run a self-diagnostic as part of her admonishment. That Bartholomew is spiteful is part of the charm of these AI's. The nice thing about it is Harmony's behaviors augment with processing or computing power. It is a nice touch.


Silo was 10 episodes and even that felt rushed at times, Ahsoka was only 8 episode and definitely felt rushed but some of those episodes were really short, like 30 minutes. I hope this show is able to tell a good story in 8 episodes.

The show has beautiful science fiction computer generated graphics of outer space and spaceships.

This episode was named corbenic, which from the legend of King Arthur was the name of the castle housing the holy grail. It is likely Beacon 23 is representative of the holy grail castle corbenic and the mysterious isotope is the holy grail. We shall see...

The AI Companions are a great novelty in the genre and I hope they are expanded upon with character development as the series goes on.

Hugh Howie's characters seem to have a common theme of overcoming loneliness and perseverance. 

The mysterious mineral/isotope disappears when separated from the rock it is embedded in. It will likely be what the invaders are looking for.

Characters of interest

Mysteries and Questions

Trivia and Technical mumbo-jumbo

I love when a show gets super techy and science-y. This does not disappoint so far:

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