By Volo on Monday, 23 December 2024
Category: Sci-Fi

Doctor Who - s14e07 - The Legend of Ruby Sunday

In true Russell T Davis tradition he makes the next to next to last episode a lighthearted one before hitting us over the head with a gripping finale. This penultimate episode ends on a thrilling cliffhanger.

The episode opens with the Doctor landing the Tardis in UNIT and asks UNIT to work on a mystery for him, why is there a woman ever present wherever he goes? They identify her on Earth as Susan Triad and he begins to wonder if it is his granddaughter. Additionally, he decides to try to track down the origin of Ruby's mother, by using a CCTV footage of Ruby Road on Dec 24, 2004. The Time Window machine is able to show in hologram form, the whole scene and the Doctor comments that he keeps remembering it differently suggesting that time keeps being rewritten even though he refers to it as a fixed point.

When Susan Triad makes her speech live to the world, it is at this time that Sutekh, the God of Death makes his entrance and threatens to destroy the known universe. At this point the show ends on a cliffhanger.

Members of Unit

The different faces of Susan Triad

Introduction of Sutekh

He is hidden in the howling void. He has hidden within the tempest. He has braved the storm and the darkness and the pain. And he whispered tot he vessel. All this time he has whispered and delighted and seduced, and the vessel did obey, for none shall be more might and none shall be more wise than the king Himself. And the Lord of Time was blind and vain and knew nothing.


Apparently this is a direct reference and homage to the Pyramid of Mars episode of Doctor who in the 1970s.

The Time Window is a method to show slivers of the past based, using most of the nuclear power of Europe to generate a small image.

List of Gods in Doctor Who


It appears the birth and parents of Ruby Sunday are central to the invasion of the Gods and what is strange is that every single one of these gods are bent on destroying the universe, not a single beneficent God.

The introduction of Sutekh where it speaks of the vessel obeying, could it be that Sutekh was sending the Tardis to all the needed places to complete a summoning of Sutekh to the universe sine the night Ruby Sunday was born? 

The Doctor does not seem to be puzzled or the least bit alarmed that Ruby inadvertently makes it snow.

Is Ruby Sunday an unknowing God? 

DNA analysis seems to be employed several times in this show. I wonder if it can figure into the finale, especially since we never get the final readout on Ruby Sunday in the space babies episode.

​Lingering Mysteries and unanswered questions

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