There continues to be a mass complaints on the steam forums, the colossal order forums and reddit. However in my next full weekend able to play, I was able to build a city from scratch to a megalopolis and 225k population. I did see a few issues that I had to overcome in my cities:
- traffic got out of control pretty quickly
- a lot of traffic is multiplied by pedestrian traffic
- electricity needs to be managed via multiple transformers to various parts of your city
- I needed some inter-city traffic to keep my clinics and my commerce supplied
Car accidents are occurring but not registering as car accidents, leading to deadlock traffic jam
I noticed a road was just in continual deadlock and traffic jam. It wasn't until I zoomed in and saw a car turned over but nothing exactly happening.
Solution What I'm doing for now is to just bulldoze and rebuild the road which seems to work. Once, I bulldozed it, the car accident icon appeared and it got cleaned up by the game. I've noticed if something seems to not be working as expected in the game, a quick bulldoze/rebuild fixes things.
Assets I miss or would like to see
- I really miss bicycles in the game
- animated stadium assets
- The chirper balloon
- The Statue of Liberty, instead of this atlas shrugged guy.
- Various homegrown ones from my home city
- Christmas specific assets or at least holiday season assets
- Maybe a land value lowering asset (if we cant fix the too many high rent complaints)
- Fully grown trees and more tree selection
Mechanics I'm on the fence about missing...
- The fishing industry... Not sure, it was sort of weird drawing all of those lines for the boats to go, I sort of miss it, I sort of dont...
Hacks or "Creative use of Game Mechanics" I've found so far...
- Continually bulldozing and rebuilding an asset gives you non-stop xp, you do lose some money in the process but not much since you get a partial refund.
Garbage trucks issue
Garbage trucks hold about 22 tons of trash, I dont see anywhere the amount listed in each high rise building but a truck can easily empty out a building. What I see happening is as the garbage truck is en route to a building, it will pick up trash along the way and partly fill up before reaching the building and unable to completely empty the building of trash. Additionally, the traffic route is highly important, if the trucks are held up in traffic at all, that seems to compound to their inability to perform their service. You can have situations where the garbage trucks are just in a traffic jam until they despawn. This generally does not happen in a smaller sized city but once you introduce skyscrapers and put a ton of residential ones together then it can happen pretty fast.
- Make sure the area around your incineration plant/landfill is clear from traffic, car and pedestrian traffic
- Likewise, make sure the area to/from your incineration plant/landfill is also clear from traffic, car and pedestrian as well
I've noticed that high density residential buildings tend to generate the most trash and having lots of large scale residential buildings next to each other will cause a lot of garbage truck need. Probably a good idea would be to spread them out. Additionally making use of service roads that only allow for service vehicles can allow them to get to trash quicker. These are the pink roads that are
Traffic and Pedestrians
You have to pan around and zoom into intersections on your map and see if there are pedestrians causing traffic. If so, putting a foot bridge virtually eliminates your problem.
No medical supplies
For me the fix was more external trade lines into the city and with low enough traffic that can reach this clinic.
How to fix an electricity bottleneck
Electricity bottlenecks made their presence known around the 100k mark for me and I had to stop depending on just the roads to deliver electricity and build transformer stations to carry power from power lines.
Current Unfixable bugs - moving underground subway stops
Moving subway stops will delete tracks on one end where it breaks from the main route. There does not currently seem to be a way to fix this.