Local star gazers are in for a real treat tonight as the aurora borealis is expected to  light up the night sky

And onto our main feature story, the commercial district is booming. As the area is attracting more high-end stores, bringing the latest in luxury to our neighborhood. You can now shop for designer shoes while sipping a fancy local jarva latte, or so my wife tells me. That's good for business and good for the community. Thanks Jim, we'll be back after this.

We're ... we're live and we're getting reports about a traffic accident, umm somewhere umm in the city. Road maintenance services have already been dispatched and traffic flow should return to normal, but if you're planning a quick trip out. You might want to wait a little while until everything clears up. If you're in it, you already know about it, no use in reminding you. Meanwhile expect delays and drive safe.

You're back with second moon radio, your second musical home from home so settle back in your chair and pour yourself a glass and prepare for another hour of musical delight,  Tonight we are doing a musical tour of Italia mm hmm land of art and culture trebone, as they say, and an aria inspired by the infamous VIvaldi who shall be our guide.

Industry in the region is on the rise and when business is doing well that really floats our boats. There's no sinking this boat Glenda!

This just in from traffic, if you're thinking about hitting the streets, you can expect delays on the major roads, especially during Rush Hour. Good to know Jim, seems like everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere fast.  It's worth slowing down, and if you can plan your trip outside the rush.
Oh, I dont know. I'd rather wait an hour in traffic than to have to start thinking about it all the time. Besides if I did that, I'd never get anywhere.

You're tuned into second moon the channel where the classics never grow old.

Has anyone seen my keys? My keys! What? We're on the air? Oh oh! Ahh... Sorry about that it's nothing important, I just lost my keys. I'm sure they'll turn up, they're for the brown sedan parked outside the radio station. Oh wait! I shouldn't have said that if anyone finds them. Oh please dont steal my car,  I mean...the old Hornbuckle mobile please. Oh oh! Good! Here they are! Well, never mind then! Thank you.... for listening to umm.. Second Moon.

A driving advisory has been issued for the immediate area due to poor road conditions. Please exercise caution if you must drive and try to stay off the streets until conditions improve. This has been a local public service announcement.

A driving advisory has been issued for the immediate area due to poor road conditions. Please exercise caution if you must and try to stay off the streets until conditions improve. This has been a local public service announcement.

How delightful! Another letter from our erstwhile listeners. Hmm.. Whats up honey. Me and my sister love you! Aww! That's nice. Yall got clarinets and violins but you've got something most music these days aint. Ahh! Let me guess, lineage traced back to the great Hayden himself hmm? Let's see here... Yall got soul. Ahh yes soul, a raison d'ĂȘtre? Hmm delicious. My sister says whoever you've got playing the keys got more funk in his pinky. Hmm... But I told her that aint funk, that's classical. Yes, indeed, that must be most exacerbating classical music has been known since the time of the early explorers. Funk by contrast is an entirely modern conceit and you'll find none of that here. Funk, as they say, is for the layperson. Now let's here another one of those soulful accounts.

This is second moon radio classical for the modern age. Unlike most modern music, classical has always been penned by someone sitting in front of a sheet of blank paper, using only their imaginations as guides through a silent audio masterpiece now here we sit listening at full volume as our souls are transported. Hmm.. But let us not tell, on to the next rhapisode.

Ahem... Umm... Our story this hour. Kim is on the scene outside an abandoned building. That's right Jim, this decaying shell is a symbol of the industrial decline sweeping the city. People are being laid off, the industrial sector is on the verge of collapse and worryingly  crime is on the rise.  Thanks Kim, always gotta watch our for crime, not to mention collapsing buildings. We'll have more, after this...

This is Second Moon with J Thomas Hornbuckle. Before we dive into our next selection, I'd like to take a few momento or minutes to elaborate on the full structure of the symphonic work   .For our newer less able listeners, First we will be dancing through the al dente section before entering the slower largo movement. Finally then savoring the vivacious anti-pasto movement. So without further, adieu, let's raise the curtain and begin.

You're listening to second moon, the station for the culturally sophisticated, who doesnt fear extending their ears to the more challenging sphere of the classical genre. Let us move now from the musical page to the literally mm hmm. Here we have some perfectly aged correspondence from a listener. My Dear Professor Hornbuckle, heh. Whereas i make no apology for my eerie detail the modesty demands that i prevaricate against the title and the humblety of the form and all my expertise derives merely from a life devoted to the gentle arts. Though I do think you for the honor, but I do digest to continue... Professor Hornbuckle, as a traveler from my homeland, I long to hear a tune that speaks to the anguish of my low weary soul, hmmm .There now my good fellow, chin up, as it were, no need to wallow in sediment . Leave that to those poet chaps, eh? Here's  a tune just for you and I hope it provides your aching spirit from modest desolation. 

You're listening to second moon radio with J Thomas Hornbuckle and we're pervading with some of the finest classical music on the air. Keep that dial right here.

Recent spikes in demand have led to shortages in the city's fresh water supply. The public should be aware that we are struggling to get the situation under control. This is a public announcement.

Pending updates to our power grid, the city will be experiencing rolling black outs. We urge the public to remain calm during these breaks in service and to follow guidelines on the city's website on how to plan for these temporary events.  This has been a local public service announcement.