This will not be a long article. I have been waiting for this game for a long time and spent my first few hours watching the tutorials as suggested by the game itself when I loaded the game. The game felt very sluggish and I was not able to make a very impressive attempt as even the mouse clicks were slow compared to the rate I was clicking. It was to the point of not being enjoyable until I found this article on changing up the graphics settings. Now, I dont have a creampuff gaming rig, at least I dont think I do. But once I changed the graphics settings as suggested in the article, the game became playable rather than super-sluggish. For those that cant click on the link, these are the settings I did:

  1. Switch from 'Fullscreen' to 'Windowed Fullscreen' (or vice-versa)
  2. Set 'Depth of Field Mode' to 'Disabled'
  3. Set 'Volumetrics Quality' to 'Disabled'
  4. Set 'Level of Detail' to Very Low
  5. Turn motion blur off

Gaming Rig Specs

  • Intel Core I9-12900k (16 cores)
  • 64 gigs DDR4 ram
  • nvidia 3080ti

First try...

After starting the game, it seemed the tutorial videos and all the developers notes I've been reading from paradox interactive emptied out my head as I tried things myself. I'm not used to the interface, as compared to Cities Skylines 1. I did not have early access or behind the scenes looks so this was my first hour or so into it...I'm sure it will all come in time but I will need to work on this more this weekend...

Not the prettiest town

I do think that the game has a lot of potential and room to grow from here. Many mods from cities skylines 1 seem to be incorporated into the game and there are quite a bit of quality of life improvements. The degrees that the roads show appear de-facto in game. 90 degree corner? 180 degree road, no problem! It shows as you connect roads. The sound track is perfect and the game does seem to be relaxing even through working through familiar and not so familiar controls. I'm viewing the sluggishness to be a sign of just how beautiful the game can appear with a hefty, beefier system. More to come...