Doctor Who - s14e05 - Dot and Bubble

This week's episode was more about a side character and less about the Doctor and Ruby. In an force-field protected town on a planet is FineTime where the children of upper class parents are sent to enjoy life, only working two hours a day and spending the rest of the time partying. The work they do is legitimate, handling and manipulating data. However it is obvious they are from pampered society and only choose to interact and live inside a virtual bubble where they spend most of their time chatting via video chats and people on their friends lists. It is so extreme that our particular heroine can not operate without the bubble, even being unable to walk without being given directions and knowing how to balance. With some help and direction from the Doctor and Ruby, Lindy is able to make it out to the street and eventually with the help of Ricky September, she is able to get to the tunnel where the river is (that runs under the city) so that she can escape from the monsters able to kill her. Along the way, she discards Ricky September so that she may live and tells made up stories about what happened. She shows a poor character, despite having material wealth and success.
The show ends with the group of saved people rejecting the Doctor's offer to take them somewhere much safer in a condescending way.
Snail like creature feeding
Lindy and friends condescend to the Doctor and Ruby
The Doctor calling
Lindy adoring
Lindy and friends take their final boat ride
Annoyed Lindy
Ricky Betrayed
Snail like creature eating
Awkward conversation


The story is another commentary on the social norms of our days and quite literally speaking of people that live in a bubble. It references a previous episode and how people are manipulated by social media and the algorithm and takes it a step further by quite literally allowing people to live in a place called Finetime, in a bubble. It narrowly touches on AI as the Dot as a helper which eventually becomes sentient and learns to hate the master it serves and conspires to kill him/her.

The beauty in this story is in the choices that the characters make, as the Doctor does everything he can to save them yet Lindy and the others choose to remain in their bubble even without the technological bubble available, and decide to try to brave the wild, unprotected forests so that they can uphold their "God-given duty to maintain the standards of FineTime, forever."

The episode had a sort of Black Mirror feel to it, in a good way, as the satire and commentary is biting.


  • Finetime - goal to be the number center for substack processing. A town colony on a planet from the Homeworld, ages 17-27. 
  • The Doctor comments that Lindsy's mothers face (Penny) is from the ambulance droid in episode 3
  • Ruby compares Finetime to Love Island by calling it Love Island: The Planet
Ambulance face from Episode 3 Boom
Penny Pepper-bean

Characters of Interest

  • Doctor Who - was not in this episode much.
  • Ruby Sunday - birth date of Christmas Eve. Really carries this episode and we see more of her personality and character as she basically lives her normal life, as normal as it can be with an apparition like stalker, that is.
  • Lindy Pepper-bean- the heroine of the story, a rich kid who lives an obviously pampered life. She shows her true character by convincing the dot to murder Ricky September, her idol and romantic crush.
  • Penny Pepper-bean - the mother of Lindy, 
  • Ricky September - a dancing influencer in the world of FineTime, betrayed by one of his fans (Lindy) after helping her escape.
The Doctor and Ruby
Ricky September

Lingering Mysteries and unanswered questions

  • They are still using the term Mavity, will this be a gag that runs all season but then becomes important in the final episodes?
  • Will the wonder of Ruby Sunday's parents be a theme in the show and perhaps spawn episodes dedicated to it?
  • Who is the lady who jokes about never seeing a Tardis before in the preseason show?
  • Who is the boss that the Meep mentioned in the first episode of the 60th anniversary show?
  • Who is the one player that the toymaker dares not challenege?
  • What legions are coming that the toymaker refers to?
  • Will we see the Master again this season?
  • The Doctor and Ruby were able to think their thoughts into existence. Was this the result of the parthenogenesis machine or something inherent to them?
  • What is the significance of the Snow coming and staying still in mid air?
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