By Volo on Friday, 30 June 2023
Category: Sci-Fi

Silo episode rankings from best to worst

Episodes 1 and 2, Freedom Day and Holston's Pick

Both of these episodes suck you into the show, show you the incredible world building that the show and author Hugh Howey have done and set up the series. It opens with the famous lines "We do not know why we are here. We do not know who built the silo. We do not know why everything outside the silo is as it is. We do not know when it will be safe to go outside. We all know that day is not today" and ends with the deaths of some characters we quickly became attached.

Episode 10 - Outside

The season finale, which wraps up nicely and is extremely satisfying. Jules asserts herself even after being beaten down. I had trouble on deciding whether to make this number 1 however the first episodes were magnificent in charm and seducing us to the show. This was such a well done finale and the acting was extremely dynamic in this episode.

Episode 8 - Hanna

The exposition on Jules's mother, her life and the satisfying redemption of Jules and her father's, Dr Pete Nichol's, relationship.  The magnifying device is shown, the reasons behind Jules's brother's death are explored.

Episode 7 - The Flamekeepers

With satisfying reveals, and from a seemingly innocuous and transitory character, Gloria Hildebrandt, we learn about a group of truth seekers and their fate. Even more, we learn about the location of the most important relic so far in the silo.

Episode 9 - The Getaway

Excitement and more reveals but nothing over the top. It was good in pure enjoyable entertainment.

Episode 6 - The Relic

Huge revelation at the end, with the introduction of the Camera room, or newsplex as I like to jokingly refer to it. We learn the answer to the "double the flowers in front of the mirror" note. And we see a true relic that inspires and excites the possibilities of the outside world.

Episode 5 - The Janitor's Boy

We meet Paul Billings, Judge Meadows, Lukas and are introduced to "The Syndrome" We also learn more about the true nature of Robert Sims. All in all a good episode due to the sheer amount of revelations as well as character introduction.

Episode 4 - Truth

Character development and plot advancement. Beloved characters are murdered off (Deputy Marnes) and we learn more about Jules's background, her personality and her character.

Episode 3 - Machines

Requiring the most suspension of belief from me, after a few rewatchings I learned to appreciate the episode for its necessity. It is also tough to follow episode 1 and 2, but it had this onerous task.

Review of previous episodes:
Episode 1 and 2 - Freedom's Day and Holston's Pick
Episode 3 - Machines
Episode 4 - Truth
Episode 5 - The Janitor's Boy
Episode 6 - The Relic
Episode 7 - The Flamekeepers
Episode 8 - Hanna
Episode 9 - The Getaway
Episode 10 - Outside

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