By Volo on Friday, 28 July 2023
Category: Sci-Fi

Strange New Worlds S2 Ep8 - Under the Cloak of War

In what is probably the best episode yet of Strange New Worlds, including both seasons, this is a gritty Star Trek episode with a twist and major character development of our beloved Dr. Joseph M'Benga and Nurse Chapel as they deal with atrocities of war and post traumatic stress disorder. Only two episodes remain with next week's appearing to be a musical and the season finale likely another dark, somber episode.

The episode opens with the Enterprise in a rendevous with the USS Kelcie Mae in order to pick up a defector now ambassador for the Federation who happens to be a prior brutal Klingon General Dak'Rah responsible for the death of thousands of Federation civilians on the moon of J'Gal during the Klingon War. This had a major impact on Dr. M'Benga as well as Nurse Chapel as they were tending to the wounded and witnessed the atrocities of war first hand. We learn the legendary story of General Dak'Rah who murdered his own men, earning the nickname the butcher of J'Gal, so that he can escape and later became the reason for many peacekeeping missions in the Federation. However as the show progresses, it is revealed that Dr. M'Benga, who was known as the Ghost with a record of the most confirmed hand-to-hand kills, decided to go after General Dak'Rah and was himself the butcher of J'Gal. He decidedly kills the Klingons (General Gra'val, Commander Kiff, Captain Ruh'lis) looking to murder General Dak'Rah. However the general escapes at this time, which would be considered cowardly in Klingon culture. It is at this point he becomes defector with a made up story and building upon it to become Ambassador. In his haste, Ambassador Dak'Rah continually approaches Dr. M'Benga with a request to become allies until they end up in a scuffle with Dr. M'Benga killing Ambassador Dak'Rah with the same knife used to kill Dak'Rah's men. Nurse Chapel covers for him and the show fades out showing the malfunctioning bio- bed 2 screen, which had been malfunctioning since Season 1 Episode 4 (memnto mori).

Major Characters of focus in this week's episode

Dr. Joseph M'Benga  ("the ghost") - Shows much more depth to his character as he was also an assassin/heavily skilled solider who turned to a life of healing.
Nurse Chapel - had the most amount of PTSD and war trauma after Dr. M'Benga. It took it's toll on her relationship with Spock.
Captain Pike - Tries his best to have a successful mission but did not go through the Klingon War in the same capacity as those who were on J'Gal.
Spock - does seem to have a little bit of a rift with Nurse Chapel in this episode with Nurse Chapel as she pushes him away while dealing with her PTSD and war trauma.
Lt. Erica Ortegas - Displays her own war trauma and is unable to hide her distaste for General Dak'Rah. Her character becomes a little more one-dimensional in the process. However, there has not been a whole episode dedicated to her as of yet.

Food in this week's episode



The USS Kelsie Mae is named in honor of a fan that had passed away that had worked at CBS and also on Strange New Worlds:

Lingering Plot Lines

Links to other episodes

Season 2 Episode 1 - The Broken Circle
Season 2 Episode 2 - Ad Astra Per Astera
Season 2 Episode 3 - Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
Season 2 Episode 4 - Among the Lotus Eaters
Season 2 Episode 5 - Charades
Season 2 Episode 6 - Lost in Translation
Season 2 Episode 7 - Those Old Scientists

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