Star Trek Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 5 - Charades

snw_s2e05_enterprise Charades

Another fun comedic episode this week as there are no serious interspecies interactions or galactic strife. We see Spock further develop as the question regarding him and T'Pring is answered. Spock engages in antics as he is changed and acts more human. 

Summary and Recap

Spock and Nurse Chapel in the Shuttlecraft

This week most of the crew is able to have downtime as they approach the moon of Kherkhov in the Vulcan system. Nurse Chapel is preparing for her interview for a 2 month fellowship on Vulcan and Spock is preparing for a short notice V'Shul dinner, a ritual ceremonial engagement dinner as required by T'Pring's parents for marriage. Spock and Nurse Chapel are tasked with exploring the energy anomoly on the moon and as they get close, they lose control of the ship. They survive the crash of their shuttlecraft but Spock was seriously injured during the crash however the assumed to be Kherkhovians were unsure how to repair Spock and made him completely Human. 

Shuttlecraft towards vortex
Another vortex view
Spock awakens to this view
Advanced alien tech

The antics ensue as we watch Spock act similarly to a human teenager going through puberty and dealing with intense emotions and urges. These antics were a major entertainment value and carried the show.

What the...
Prosthetic Vulcan Ear
Spock experiences humor
Spock is Kung-Fu fighting

The dilemma of the show is how Spock will perform the V'Shul ritual, specifically the Vulcan mind meld. Nurse Chapel is rejected to her fellowship and convinces Lt. Uhura and Lt. Ortegas to fly another shuttlecraft to the moon to speak again to the modern Kherkhovians in an attempt to find a cure to revert Spock back to being half-Vulcan. They are able to do so and he is able to perform the mind meld and complete the V'Shul satisfactorily. Spock decides he can not continue to endure the insults to his mother and defends her to the chagrin of T'Pril, T'Pring's mother. This takes its toll and T'Pring decides to separate from Spock. Spock and Nurse Chapel end the show with a kiss and are likely now a couple. 

Spock meets with T'Pring
Spock and T'Pring prepare for the V'Shul
Spock about to receive his antidote
T'Pring breaks up with Spock


Charades is an apt name for the episode as Spock acts like a Vulcan despite being wholly human. During the V'Shal ritual, Captain Pike suggests a game of charades to help give Spock more time to deal with his impulses and emotions.

Since last season and throughout this season, there has been intentional focus on sexual tension and chemistry between Spock and Nurse Chapel. This episode takes it to the next level. The split between T'Pring and Spock had to happen as he was not married in the original series. However there is no focus on this romance in the original series so this is a new addition to the storyline. 

The scene between Spock and his mother, Amanda Grayson, is touching as he stands up for her.

We are introduced to the Kherkhovians as an interdimensional species with quite advanced technology. They seem pretty intent on being left alone unless communication is necessary. They are not in any lore and this is the first time we meet them.

Spock is phenomenal in this series so far and this show only shows more to him.

Mia Kishner does an amazing acting job as Amanda Grayson.

Interdimensional being Kherkhovian 'blue'
Nurse Chapel admits her feelings for Spock

Major Characters of focus in this week's episode

Spock - He experiences first hand what it is like to be human. In so doing so, he bonds more deeply with his mother. No doubt this helps him deal with humans later in life as well as other races and species. His antics were highly entertaining this episode.
Amanda Grayson, Spock's mother - Shows to be very human who made a lot of sacrifices for Spock throughout his life growing up.
T'Pring - decides to put things off with Spock after the events of the episode where she was intentionally left in the dark. It was coming and it was just not clear how it would happen.
Nurse Chapel - Certainly a character with more depth than as seen in the original series. I like her as a supporting character in this show and the whole supporting crew is pretty strong.
Captain Pike - shows more of his cooking prowess and his willingness to help out his crew in their personal lives
Lt. Erica Ortegas - Does not back down from a challenge and does what she needs. What is nice about this show is the bonding and support that she, Uhura and Una provide for Nurse Chapel.
Lt. Nyota Uhura - intelligent and loyal. She will help out Nurse Chapel as needed
Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh, chief of security - part of the girl crew that helps out Nurse Chapel. Helps Spock adjust to his new emotions.

Captain Pike cooks Vulcan
Captain Pike commiserates with Spock
Spock's mom, Amanda Grayson
Girls at the bar
Girl gets her guy

Lingering Plot Lines

  • The Gorn attack ship as shown in episode 1
  • The time travel episode 3 seemed pretty random, will there be more to it?
  • Eventually Spock and Nurse Chapel must break up
  • What about Spock's half-brother, Sybok?

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