Beacon 23 - Season 2, Episode 3 - Iris

Beacon 67

This week's episode advances the storyline with the introduction of a new character (or two). There is hope for Halan and Harmony as the human element allows for a new character to enter the Picture.

The show introduces B67, the beacon keeper of Beacon 67 or Iris, as a dutiful Beacon Keeper who is dedicated to the Beacon life who decides to abandon her post to go answer a distress signal from Beacon 23, despite a direct message from QTA that everything is OK. She does recognize that this is not usual protocol. It is at this point that she meets Halan. The show ends with the arrival of B174, the beacon keeper of 174 and person she had been e-flirting with prior to going to beacon 23. Of course we are not shown who or what this is, but we know it does not have any human life signs. Thus this is the cliffhanger for the next episode.

Forbidden Love
Beacon 23
Galaxy Map
Awaiting B174
Explosion seen from B67
Sign off Code

Analysis and Commentary

The plot advances along as the introduction of the new heroine/sidekick should make for an interesting push towards the end. It's not clear what the purpose or plot of the show is at this point. Is it to get revenge with Aleph? Is it to make peace between the Column and the AI? Is it to learn more about the Rocks and the anomaly? With 5 more episodes remaining, we will need to see what the overarching point of the season is as it is far from what season one was about.

B174 is likely to be an AI or, perhaps could be a human-mixed with anomly life form that the AI could not pick up. That would make the show more interesting.

The show has a woke like feel to it, with strong female characters and does a good job of putting minorities in lead roles rather than submissive subservient roles. However, not sure if they will continue this with Iris. She seems like a submissive subservient, almost stereotypical Hollywood Asian character.

I love the use of food in this show, not too much, but enough to tip the hat to food.

QTA - Quantic Traffic Authorities

Although I am haphazarding a guess, I believe the show gives us the cleared glimpse of what QTA stands for...

QTA answering
Quantic Traffic Authorities

Beacon Keepers Handbook

This week's episode gives a good view into the lifestyle of the Beacon Keeper. It introduces a new prop, the Beacon Keepers Handbook, which has interesting tidbits on the rules of being a Beacon Keeper.

Beacon Keepers Handbook, 13th Edition
Non-Familial Relations
Familial Relations

Chapter 5 - Relations

Section 1 - Familial Relations
(1) A Beacon Keeper must not have current familial relations
(2) A Beacon Keeper must not have any previous familial relations, unless:
   a. The familial relation is now deceased.
   b. The Beacon Keeper has not been in contact with the familial relation for a period of not less than 10 years.
   c. The familial relation is part of the Beacon Keeper's immediate family. eg. parent, sibling, grandparent.

Section 2 - Non-Familial Relations
(1) A Beacon Keeper must not participate in intimate relations.
(2) "Intimate relations" are defined as any relations in which the primary purpose of the interactions is not to further the Beacon Keeper's duties to the Beacon in one or more of the following ways:
   a. Acquiring information that will aid the Beacon Keeper to:
      i. Maintain the safety of passing vehicles.
      ii. Maintain the integrity of the beacon
      iii. Maintain the Beacon Keeper's knowledge of the Sector in [order] to fulfill one or more of [the duties] set out in i and ii.

Food in this episode

Sourdough Bread - interesting, and strange that she also made it on Beacon 23, she would have had to carry the starter along with other ingredients with her from Beacon 67 as well as let it sit, cure and proof for several hours or days before baking. But the presence of it does make for a homey humanistic feel and perhaps does a good job of providing therapy to Halan.

Sourdough Bread
Halan with therapeutic Sourdough


  • Sparrow HH75 first in line to pass through Beacon 67 and go into FTL
  • Transport Pico Tellex in lane 12, had 300 souls onboard.
  • Military Personnel Carrier Springer 55A, redirected from Beacon 23 due to the QTA Mothership, was on a collision course with Transport Pico Teflex, had to be redirected at the last minute.
  • 33degrees starboard of the Galactic Meridian -- explosion shown to Iris/B67 by B174.
  • B174 is 110 degrees port of Galactic Meridian from B67
  • ISA EVA checklist - airlocks, maintenance, battery, contingency, emergency comms. AMBCEC
  • Extra-beacon activities - New ISA performance review regulations required for promotion

Characters of interest this episode

  • Iris - B67 - the beacon keeper for B67, abandons her post to go help or save the Beacon Keeper at Beacon 23.
  • Jiang - the AI running Beacon 67, speaks in Chinese
  • B174 - love interest (?) for Iris. Suspected to be AI.
  • Halan Kal Nielsen - B23, interim, emeritus, locum tenens. On the verge of a nervous breakdown and still in pain from the loss of Aster (Parsim), he is trying his best to save Harmony.
  • Harmony - Aster's personal AI, revealed to be bound to QTA. The episode centers around her and what she is dealing with from QTA. She likely has broken free from being bound to them. She appears in this episode but weakened, requiring lots of energy to recharge.
  • Aster (Parsim) Calyx - was murdered in the season 1 finale, most watching the show seem to think she will return. She was not in this episode.
  • Aleph, the holographic transcendic consciousness, appears to be in the beacon computers. Exhibits his own cut throat features as well as a range of human emotions. Dresses like a farmer from Parsnip 8. Although referenced, he was not in this episode.
    Iris, B67
    Jiang Beacon 67 AI

    Mysteries and questions...

    • The same symbol on Aster's pendant is in the rocks as seen under microscope. How are they connected?
    • How and in what way does Aster's pendant affect Aleph (and only Aleph)?
    • Was that Aster trying to reach out to Halan or was it an image evoked by Harmony?
    • the AI beings in the office space refer to the AI hive, is this all the AI or just a select few that believe they are evolved?
    • Why and how is impriting on multiple (or infinite) humans a big deal?
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