Beacon 23, Season 1 Episode 2 - Wreckers


The episode continues with cool tech from body implants to sonic guns. In the end, it is the story of being together or alone that is on display.

Show Summary and Recap

The cliffhanger from episode 1 is resolved through the course of the whole episode as some thugs from QTA (unclear what it stands for) invade the Beacon looking for "something valuable." However, the only thing readily valuable is the qubits from ISA. Dr. Kaneddy seems to believe there is something even more valuable and goes on a hunt searching for it. The show has lots of action and adventure and ends after most of the invading crew are dead. 

Invading Party
Dr. Kannedy and Son
Chick Kennedy Leaves
Halan and Aster buddy up


This appears to be an episode only to create trust between Aster and Halan. Most of the characters are throwaway characters that are introduced and are dead before the episode ends. We did get some tension building with the introduction of QTA but dont know anything more about them other than they exist and orchestrated this whole ordeal in search of, presumably the minerals/isotopes/rocks.

Chick, the lone survivor leaves with a couple of qubtis and it is unclear if he will return. The curious thing about this episode is the split between his decision to murder his mother and be alone in comparison to Halan who decides to stay with Aster rather than be alone.


  • Apparently something similar happened to the Menelaus colony 30 years ago as the Elau colony.
  • biomimetic interface allows a person to interface with the computer system and possibly hack through security and take over as seen with Bart. 
  • Elau, a population of 6 million, in the sigma system suffered widespread destruction after the malfunction of the AX 129 beacon arm.
Elau Colony
Biometric implants
Quantum Tunneler

Characters of interest

  • Aster - was hired by the mysterious QTA organization and is capable of killing in cold blood.
  • Halan - Feaux Beacon Keeper, former soldier who went AWOL. Seems to have PTSD due to some incident involving finding the rocks that does not respond to futuristic pharma.
  • Bartholomew (Bart) - cranky. spiteful AI companion of the late Solomon, was disabled early on in the episode and did not play a major role.
  • Harmony - protective, helpful AI companion of Aster.
  • Mysterious Entity - likely caused by exposure to the minerals/isotopes/rocks.
  • Mandanchi Tritujuma (Bigface) - from the mining camps in the outer arms, suggests she is particularly brutal as per the custom on those camps.
  • Timur Ondi (Battle) - dishonorable discharge. particularly deadly and the leader of the renegade invading party.
  • Dr. Rokan Kaneddy Minister of Equity - murdered by her son, seems to have always had to make tough choices once they ran out of supplies on the ealu colonies.
  • Chick Kannedy - Makes a decision to murder his mother and run off with the ship.
Timur Ondi (Battle)
Chick Kannedy and Bigface
Harmony, AI Companion to Aster
Kannedy Family

Mysteries and Questions

  • Is Solomon still alive? Did he steal Halan's ship and escape? If not then, where is Halan's ship? Most characters are operating under the premise that Solomon is indeed dead.
  • Is the mineral and isotope exposure causing Halan's PTSD/hallucinations or is there more to it? He's the only one who seems to suffer from this and several have come into contact with the minerals so far.
  • The lighthouse picture in episode 1, is there more to it or is it just a pic/memory from the past?
  • Why so many unauthorized trips from the beacon by Solomon?
  • Will Chick Kannedy return or is that it? I would imagine a kid that young with a ship that big is begging to be attacked in a "tough" part of space.
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