Beacon 23, S.1 ep 6 - Beacon Twenty Three


Just two more episodes left and a lot of mysteries left unsolved. Seems like most of them wont be solved this season as there is another season that has already been green-lighted. The show takes a lot of tangents and flashbacks to provide background story and this one is to some time likely 30-50 years ago.

This show mostly centers on the backstory of the first beacon keeper as well as Aster's early childhood and tells us more about the culture of the futuristic society. Dr Ree Avalon first discovers the anomaly and studies it incessantly, eventually being able to predict where it will appear and seems to endure similar

Keir with explosives
Explosive device
Dr. Ree Avalon perplexed
Avalon ready, in spacesuit

The story of young Aster (Parsim) is more interesting and shows us more insight into the anomaly and perhaps why Halan has such strange behavior. As seen by Dr. Ree Avalon who endured a 27 hour trance standing straight up in the cupula. There seems to be a rebel group bent on destroying the beacons and are indoctrinated when shown relics. It is later revealed most of them were created when a drone was sent into the anomaly to destroy it.

Avalon exploring the Anomaly
Space pod without Avalon
Aster (Parsim) speaking with Anomaly
Anomly Destroyed

Trivia and Technical Mumbo Jumbo

Relics used by the column to recruit members. They were created when Grisha flew a drone directly into the anomaly.

The Column appears to be a  rebel group with a goal of destroying Beacons.

Gravity Wave Beam Technology ISA patent no. 343204-123948824

Parsim's babble: af nish muk

The lighthouse pic was first put up by Dr. Ree Avalon

Lighthouse placed by Ree Avalon

Characters of Interest

  • Bart - The AI of Beacon 23, the beacon keepers, shows he grows quite attached to the particular human he serves and has severe abandonment issues.
  • Dr. Ree Avalon - Beacon 23's first keeper. Grew up near the coast, hung the lighthouse picture. First noticed the anomaly,  studied it non-stop and was able to predict where it would appear. She eventually took a pod out and exited the pod and disappeared (likely into the anomaly). 
  • Grisha and Farut couple Beacon Keeper with child named Parsim later renamed her renamed to Aster Calyx. Were Beacon Keepers and appear to be the parents to our protagonist. Grshna did not like that Parsim spent so much time interacting with the Anomaly and was babbling in a strange tongue. Further Parsim showed personality changes that seemed antisocial.
  • Keir - the worker from the Column sent to blow up the beacon.
  • Aster (Parsim) Calyx - always seems to have a different plan that what she shows, very unpredictable character, purposefully so.
  • Halan Kal Nielsen - blooming love interest for Aster? His only rival was killed by Aster herself. Seems to be alone in this world, and was revealed more than once to have traveled over 84,000 star systems to get to Beacon 23. He was not in this episode.
  • Rocky - the minerals entity, communicates with Halan, likely the cause of his hallucinations, tells bad jokes. He was not in this episode.
  • Harmony - Aster's personal AI, revealed to be bound to QTA. Her recommendations are for Aster to go back to the QTA and even supplies evidence to support this suggestion. She was not in this episode.
  • Alpeh, the holographic transcendic consciousness, appears to be in the beacon computers. Does not appear in this episode. He was not in this episode.
Ree Avalon
Grisha and Farut
Young Aster (Parsim) Calyx

Previous Beacon Keepers

  • Grisha and Farut (couple)
  • Sophie Arnacia
  • Evelyn Earle
  • Jose Moncada
  • Janet Saenz
  • Ruth Mooney
  • Theodore Akin
  • Rae Avalon

The Anomaly

Likely alien life, later mistaken to be a source of energy to be harnessed and possibly allow for transcendence by Milan, head of IT at QSA.

LfOnly shows up on sensors as "nothing" so much so that there should be random particles in it's place. It has an ability to put people into trances as it did for Ree and currently seems to do to Halan. Aster (Parsim) seems to be able to communicate with it through babbling. Halan was unable to speak to it hearing only gibberish in previous episodes. The anomaly is able to communicate through a rock known as "Rocky" and it was revealed that the anomaly is learning about humans as well as it did not seem to know that humans were so delicate that they needed a suit to be in space.

Farut believes it is a form of life and likely the mechanism for which we as a human species can have first contact with another life form. It is noted that throughout all of human expansion through the cosmos, there has not yet been other life forms encountered.

Aster seems to be the only person who can communicate with the Anomaly. It could be that as a child her language centers in her brain were still under development and still open to picking up new languages, including the alien gibberish. She is the only character who is able to say the gibberish we've heard so far.

Anomly over the lighthouse water

Mysteries and Questions

  • Is Solomon still alive? It appears Solomon is dead after taking off in Halan's ship that had little to no Oxygen.
  • Did he steal Halan's ship and escape? it appears he made it out of the beacon but there was little or no oxygen on the ship he left on.
  • Where is Halan's ship? Is it near the beacon as well?
  • Is the mineral and isotope exposure causing Halan's PTSD/hallucinations or is there more to it? This could be the product of the minerals/rocks being a life form trying to speak with him.
  • The lighthouse picture - is present even 180 years ago on the beacon. Was not shown in this episode. It appears to have posted up by the first beacon keeper, Ree Avalon, as she was
  • Why so many unauthorized trips from the beacon by Solomon? It seems it was just to collect the rocks.
  • Will Chick Kannedy return or is that it? We haven't seen him since the 2nd episode. With only 3 more episodes left, I would be surprised and possibly disappointed if he returned.
  • The same symbol on Aster's pendant is in the rocks as seen under microscope. How are they connected?
  • What is a QTA class-c mission?
  • Is Harmony ultimately loyal to QTA? During her dying moments, Coley calls out to Harmony expecting the AI to help her. This episode certainly lends itself to this theory. Harmony herself says she is legally bound to QTA.
  • Did the wreckers work for QTA?
  • Is Alpeh, the ghost in the machine, there in present day, secretly directing things? He seems to have disappeared since the last episode.
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