Silo Season 1 Episode 3 - Machines

Silo Season 1 Episode 3 - Machines

Warning, show spoilers ahead!The cliffhanger from episode 2 is quickly resolved as Jules Nichols is able to pull herself up from the rope and later deals with the emotional trauma by drinking until she passes out. We are quickly plunged into the next crises, which is the generator malfunction. This is the central plot for most of the episode while ...

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Silo Season 1 Episode 4 - Truth

Silo Season 1 Episode 4 - Truth

Warning! Spoilers ahead! I have not read the book series this show is based on, so this is a highly speculative review and summary. This episode goes all in on character depth and development. We see our beloved Deputy Marnes deal with emotional loss and thereby awaken his slumbering giant. We see more from two enigmatic figures the previous I...

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Star Trek Picard Season 3 Episode 8 Surrender

Warning! Spoilers!

Picard season 3 episode 8 “Surrender” has aired and it does not disappoint. Now, admittedly, I’ve enjoyed all three seasons of Picard despite others having some negative views. Perhaps it is the nostalgia that I enjoy, or perhaps I just like older style sci-fi. Regardless, I’m grateful and glad this show was made as I’ve felt there has been a dearth of good new sci-fi shows since the pandemic. Let’s get to the episode...

Vadic, now fully in control of the USS Titan-A spends most of the episode showcasing her skills as a sadistic menace terrorizing the captive crew while taking away any working ship systems. She even takes it to a new level with crew executions, all for the purpose of obtaining Jack Crusher which has been the target since the beginning of the season.

Riker and Deanna make an escape from Captain Vadic’s ship, the Shrike, to make it back onto the USS Titan-A for a very heartfelt reunion. The crew reunited, easily overcome Captain Vadic and they strategize their next moves just hours before the reunion where all of star fleet and their ships will assemble. The show ends on a cliff hanger as Troi and Jack prepare to open the door that has been haunting his dreams the whole season.

Reminescent of the good old days...

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