The planet escalates into full panic mode as the San Ti announce their intentions and call humanity "bugs." Thomas Wade moves his team to Wychwood Manor in rural England so they can think in peace. They formulate a plan to launch a probe and shoot it towards the alien fleet to learn more about them as well as create a Space Fleet which would r...
The scene opens with a brief exchange between Raj (love interest of Jin Chen) and Thomas Wade where it appears Mr. Wade is recruiting. The plan is ultimately created to obtain intel from "Judgment Day" in order to learn more about the San Ti. This plan involves a likely hijack of the Judgment Day ship as it sails through the Panama Canal. The...
This episode does a good job of providing background information on the characters as well as advance the plot. And in doing so, keeps the viewer engaged and hungering for more. The show opens with Ye Wenjie discussing an idea of beaming the transmission to the Sun to use as an amplifier to get deeper into space. Her idea is stolen by someone worki...
This episode did not disappoint at all. As more scientists end up dead, Clarence gets his helmet wish as he tries to learn more about the suicides going on. We learn more about he game and why the helmet exists at all. The big reveal (so far) of aliens is present and we learn more about their intent. This episode explains the purpose of the ga...
This episode is one of reveals. The plot thickens as we learn that it is not all sunshine and rainbows with Mike Evans and the San-Ti. After revealing that we as a species are capable of lying and often do even inadvertantly, the San-Ti are taken aback as their species and civil. We learn more of how things work in the organization that has been re...