Strange New Worlds continues to be a pleasant show reminiscent of the Star Trek of old with at times light hearted takes on modern day issues and character exploration. Summary and recap This episode opens with La'an walking through the ship and suddenly a guy appears out of nowhere with an apparent bullet shot, tells her time is changing, to get t...
When I was younger I used to hate preachy messages from television but now as I age, I love these moral messages that shows give out each week. Perhaps it could have been as a kid the shows and their messages were directed to my parents and now they are directed at me. Or maybe I just agree with the messages. This show references Homer's Odyss...
The start of a new season and the show opens with everyone going on leave. It is an exciting episode to start the season after the cliffhanger of Una being arrested at the end of season 1. Summary and Recap Having thought she was off the show for good, La'an issues a distress call to Spock with a cryptic message "Dangerous situation on Calijar 4. R...
This week focuses on Lieutenant Uhura as she experiences hallucinations that only she can see. There are only 4 more episodes left this season so things will be coming to a close for a while as not only the writers guild of America but also the screen actors guild is in a strike on topics ranging from AI likeness to residuals. It will likely delay ...
Warning! Spoilers ahead! I have not read the book series this show is based on, so this is a highly speculative review and summary. This episode goes all in on character depth and development. We see our beloved Deputy Marnes deal with emotional loss and thereby awaken his slumbering giant. We see more from two enigmatic figures the previous I...