Silo Season 2 episode 1 - The Engineer


Warning! Spoilers ahead! I have not read the book series this show is based on, so this is a highly speculative review and summary.

Wow! A year and a half wait for Silo to start up again. It was such a painful wait and difficult to not just give in and go read the books. This episode shows Jules making it to another Silo and how she is able to survive thanks to her background in mechanical. It provides a perspective on the Silos and how they all seem to be similar though differ through the choices of the population. We see an eerie "upside down" world where as opposed to Silo 18 (Jules' Silo) the rebellion succeeded and the silo emptied outside to meet a grim fate. The scenes are graphic and really drive the point home.

A battered, desolate Silo

In this episode, we see Jules make her way through familiar settings of her old Silo, except with everything desolate and abandoned. She is still able to maneuver her way around and we see the same rooms as the other Silo. Things seem to be exactly the same in terms of construction and layout.

Tattered flag from Dead Silo
Cafeteria Screen with Graffiti
Remains of mother and child
Zoomed out view of Jules in the Dead Silo
The tape is starting to come apart
Mayor's quarters


  • The opening intro remains the same.  No clues about the storyline can be gleaned from this,
  • There is lots of attention to details with the use of the iodine to combat radioactivity.
  • The glass visor has no electronics in it, you'd think it would for the fake helmet view screen.
  • The cameras behind the mirrors are also present in this Silo, suggesting this is a standard thing in all the Silos.
  • There is a slow burn to this episode, an intense and suspenseful pace which may be welcomed by some viewers but a turnoff to those looking for more action
  • There sure are a lot of scenes with Jules falling in this show!
Jules in the dead garden
Jules falling and in the water
Breaking the visor glass

Characters of interest this episode

Jules Nichols - Spends most of the episode in silence and by herself. We have some flashbacks where we see her problem solve and develop patience which she directly applies to the current dilemmas facing her.

Sheriff in the Dead Silo - charismatic, leads the revolution which eventually falters.

Sherriff's son Timmy - likely died with the rest of the family on the surface. He is adorable and highlights the loss of the Silo.

Jules in the Silo Suit
Timmy with message from Engineering

Mysteries and questions

  • Was the generator malfunctioning or sabotaged?
  • Who is the guy in the IT camera room?  Is it Russell?
  • Who cut the rope? Was it the same IT guy?
  • Why did he feel the need to blast the music? Especially since he can see most of the silo from the camera screens? Why not just remain hidden?
  • Can top level IT people communicate between Silos? Bernard and Russell, for example.
Generator will flood in 15 minutes
Jules noticing the rope was cut
Cut rope

Remaining Mysteries from Season 1

  • Who is part of the ring of people that hacks the Silo's security network?
  • Who is helping Jules escape by turning off the cameras at key opportune moments?
  • What was the purpose of Bernard running to the server room, was the network being hacked? 
  • Is Walker and Carla in danger now that Jules survived? Will Judicial figure this out?
  • What is the syndrome?
  • Is there a rebellion brewing?

Links to previous Silo articles

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