Michelin star and bib gourmands

Florida has been lucky enough to have been awarded 19 Michelin star awards with 12 of them in Miami (four in Orlando and now three in Tampa). Further, Florida has 36 Bibendum Gourmand (bib gourmand), of which 18 are in the Miami area, award winning restaurants as well. As of 2022, in the United States there are only 13 3-star Michelin restaurants, ...

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  1809 Hits

Tambourine Room Spring 2024 Menu Experience

I am certain that this is my favorite restaurant because of the bold choice to completely change the menu offerings from the previous experience. Chef Tristan Brandt always seems to create balanced dishes with deep flavors and varying textures. The staff are extremely friendly, charming and personable. I appreciate this very much. This menu has eve...

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  291 Hits

Koya in Tampa

With fish from the famed Toyosu Market auction, Chef Eric Fralick and his sous chefs put on a great display of inviting hospitality and creative dishes with delicious food.  I would heartily recommend this 1-michelin star restaurant for a  fun evening with entertaining servers and sous-chefs. Inside The restaurant seats 8 patrons on a bri...

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  232 Hits

The Den at Azabu

Located in the Marriott Stanton hotel in Miami Beach, Azabu has a restaurant nestled away in the back called The Den which is an amazing omikase experience. Headed by Chef Atsushi Okawara, this restaurant has fish flown in from Japan at least twice a week and provides Tokyo style Omikase and has another location in New York City with its own michel...

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  235 Hits

El Cielo in Miami

One of four locations (others are Medellin, Bogota, Washington DC, Chef Juan Manuel Barrientos seeks to explore all the sense in his tasting menu.  His restaurant is a very refined and nice look at Columbian cuisine for the uninitiated (myself) and his creative presentations are well appreciated. The restaurant is located in the heart of ...

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  265 Hits